"Easiest upgrade in the oil change industry."

Increase Ticket Averages
Bolster Customer Loyalty
Oil contamination accounts for 70-80% of all engine failures and premature wear problems. Every engine sheds a little metal, tiny particles of grit that pass through the filter and back into the engine. They increase engine heat, friction, and cause a chain-reaction-of-wear. The oil breaks down and loses its ability to protest the engine resulting in:
Less time and money spent on vehicle service and maintenance.
Improved reliability and extended useful life of the engine.
Better gas mileage and savings.
Decreased tailpipe pollution.
Magna-Guard... the easiest upgrade in the oil change industry.
The new revenue stream and upsell opportunity with every oil change.
Instill confidence in your service recommendations by offering optimum performance and reliability.
Extending vehicle service life keeps your customer coming back for years to come.
Increase customer retention, loyalty, and positive word of mouth.
SAE Technical Papers confirm Benefits of Magna-Guard.
“Show and Tell” your customer the benefits and value of Magna-Guard.
Don’t take our word, see what the experts say.
Questions? We’ve got answers.
The material that regular magnets are made from can corrode inside oil filters adding contamination into the oil. Additionally, heat causes regular magnets to lose their force of attraction. They can become dislodged inside the filter, sucked up into the engine, and cause catastrophic failure.
Magna-Guard is a powerful 3850-gauss, monolithic ceramic-8 magnet. It is totally insoluble in oil and is rated to a temperature of 842° Fahrenheit. Most internal combustion engines operate at 240° Fahrenheit, well below the operation temperature of Magna-Guard.
Magna-Guard does not restrict oil flow. Instead, it enhances oil flow through the filter as it captures particles that would otherwise clog the filter paper. This provides enhanced lubrication to the engine over every oil change cycle.
To prove Magna-Guard is engine safe, The Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) Test J806, Resistance to Flow, was performed to measure differential pressure over a regime of flow rates ranging from 1 gallon to over 8 gallons per minute. The results of this test are as follows:
“The Magna-Guard Magnet does not significantly change the flow characteristics of this filter. The selected flow range is standard for automotive type oil filters. The Magna-Guard Magnet did not move within the filter throughout the flow regime.”
It’s worthwhile noting that with usage, a filter’s porous element becomes clogged reducing oil flow. Magna-Guard helps prevent filter clogging. Additionally, Magna-Guard continues to work efficiently even if the filter goes into bypass.
Lube oil contamination accounts for 70% to 80% of all engine failures. The main reason we change oil is not because it lost its lubricity, it is because the majority of dirt particles are in the same size range as the oil film that separates and protects moving parts (8-10 microns). These small particles easily pass through the oil filter. As ferrous (iron) particles are attracted to Magna-Guard, they pull other elements with them and trap them against the inner wall of the filter. Magna-Guard can control particulate contamination well below the 10-micron rang.
GM’s SAE Technical Paper 881825 documents replacing a standard 38-mircon oil filter with 10-micron filtration can double the useful service life of the oil and filter – MOST IMPORTANTLY, can increase engine life from 150,000 miles to over 400,000 miles.
Magna-Guard can virtually eliminate the major cause of engine wear.
SAE Technical Paper 881827 documents the following benefits of controlling particulates down to the 10-micron rage:
Magna-Guard controls particulate contamination below the 10-micron. This increases compression and reduces blowby allowing the engine rings to seat tighter to the engine wall.
If you are excited by peak engine performance, depend on its reliability, appreciate fuel economy, and want to reduce overall preventative maintenance costs, Magna-Guard is for you.
And yes – most vehicles are traded or sold before the engine wears out. As a nation we recycle, ration water, police pollution, and condemn waste and the devastation of our natural resources. Consider the enormous amount of energy and resources wasted by poor maintenance, engine breakdowns, and premature oil changes. Are we not using our planet’s resources up at an alarming rate? Magna-Guard serves as an important conservation tool regardless of who owns your vehicle next year – and reduces air pollution too!
Magna-Guard turns your oil filter into a super filter by removing contaminants and debris that otherwise would continuously re-circulate through the filter and remain in the oil system. During our research of oil filters and associated magnetic filtering devices, it became apparent that the outflow reservoir is precisely the best place to maximize this benefit. At the same time, we have simplified installation. And YES – Magna-Guard is the most cost-effective engine saver in the industry.
Since 1927, nearly 100 patents have been issued for magnetic devices designed for the filtration and purification of engine fluids – including the Patent for the Magna-Guard Oil Filter Magnet.
Recently, a number of expensive magnetic oil filter devices have been introduced that either adhere to the outside wall of the oil filter or sandwich between the filter and the engine. The particles they collect form fingers of debris extending into the oil flow that can breakaway and recontamination the cycling oil. In some cases, this causes a buildup that restricts oil flow at the inflow or outflow orifices. Additionally, should these devices vibrate on the filters housing (sometimes they do), they can wear a hole in the filter allowing any number of negative scenarios to occur. Having learned from their mistakes, we do not offer such a device.
Magna-Guard has no negative impact on your vehicle warranty. It will not reduce oil flow, come loose, or damage the engine in any way. The oil filter (OE or Aftermarket) retains its original design function and no alterations of any kind are made to the vehicle.
The Magnuson-Moss Warranty Improvement Act guarantees that you’re free to do your own maintenance or to have preventive maintenance performed at the service outlet of your choice. When you perform preventive maintenance required under the terms of your vehicle’s warranty, save your receipts. That way you can prove that you have lived up to your end of the warranty if your vehicle ever requires warranty covered repairs. Dealers or salesmen cannot legally claim that using aftermarket parts instead of original equipment brands void your vehicle warranty. The Magnuson-Moss Warranty Improvement Act makes it against the law for warranties to be conditional on the use of a specified brand of product unless the brand is provided free.
Magna-Guard is designed to be discarded with the used oil filter. This prevents contamination from being introduced to your next oil change
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